HLogic Security Technology is an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer with an extended network of manufacturing subcontractors and suppliers located nearby. Our company currently owns a number of testing facilities, such as a UL-standard fire testing lab, a UL test box, a dust test chamber, an EN-54 testing tunnel, a buzzer sound-level trial station and a fluorescent-light interference testing site as well as EMC test equipment. We are also planning to expand our manufacturing and testing facilities in China to ensure that our products and manufacturing practices continue to meet the highest standards.
     Smoke, heat, and gas detector manufacturing isn’t an easy business to be in. Faced with the stiff competition from cheaply made, low-quality detectors, we remain committed to our customers with high quality products at the most reasonable prices. Our focus is to deliver meaningful value to clients that choose our brand over the competition through our commitment to quality. This year we are preparing to introduce our new line of advanced, feature-rich conventional and addressable detectors and panels at a competitive price.
     We invite you to get to know HLogic Security Technology better. Experience the very best in smoke detector technology. We are convinced that you will find HLogic Security Technology superior to any other detector company in China. You'll see it in our facilities, in our people, and in the products that HLogic Security Technology makes. It's our uncommon commitment to excellence and quality, and to the automation and productivity of our customers.
经营模式: 生产型
所属行业: 宝安区福永镇永和路鑫豪盛鼎丰科技园B1栋4楼
所属地区: 广东
成立年份: 2009年
公司规模: 51 - 100人
电话: 0755-61501812
传真: 0755-29912817
联系人: 黄女士
网址: http://www.hstfire.cn/
电子邮箱: lynn@convoytech.com
地址: 宝安区福永镇永和路鑫豪盛鼎丰科技园B1栋4楼
邮编: 518103
地址: 宝安区福永镇永和路鑫豪盛鼎丰科技园B1栋4楼
电话: 0755-61501812 传真: 0755-29912817
联系人: 黄女士
版权所有 海洛基安全技术(深圳)有限公司
